Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kenzie's field trip....

Mrs. Chamber's fourth grade class had a great time at Enoshima Aquarium. One of the perks of being a stay at home mom is that I get to chaperone the field trips. The drive to the aquarium is a beautiful one....along the beach and through Zushi city. It was the first time since we moved here that we were able to get a great view of Mt. Fuji. It was so awesome. If you look carefully you will see the snow capped peak! What a view.....never mind the goofy kids in the picture....what can I say....they are fourth graders!
Here are some pictures of Kenzie and her buddies on their field trip......

Here in Japan it is considered cool to put two fingers up (the peace sign) during pictures. Everytime you see a little Japanese child getting their picture taken they have two fingers up.....silly.........This is Kenzie with Zushi beach and Mt. Fuji in the background (the peak is behind the clouds)......

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