Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Earthquakes, Typhoons, and Spiders.....oh my!

Hello everyone! Things here in Japan are going well! School is in full swing and the kids seem to be settling in quite well. We had a very interesting weekend. Friday night we had 7 kids at our house.......CRAZY!!!!!! We had our 3, Kenzie's friend Jennifer, and 3 of the boys from the White Family. The White's finally had all of their household goods delivered so we had the 3 younger boys over for a sleepover so their mom and dad could get some unpacking done. We had a really great night with all of our houseguests! To make things even more exciting......we experienced our first real Typhoon Friday night and early into Saturday morning. We pulled down the really cool metal shades that protect the windows during a storm, we moved the bikes and scooters to a safe place.......and we prepared for the worst......but it was actually no big deal....some rain.....some wind.....and that is about all. But, it was exciting nonetheless. Then.....Sunday morning we experienced our first earthquake. There are baby earthquakes here almost everyday but we have never noticed them...until Sunday. At 7:17 in the morning I was woken (I know...I know......can you believe I was still sleeping in at 7:17) by shaking and rattling. By the time I awoke from my sleepy stupor and realized what was going on, it was over. It was a 4.9 magnitude earthquake....not so big....but big enough to notice. It was sort of exciting....but not nearly as dramatic as you see on TV! many people can say that they experienced an earthquake and typhoon all in one weekend?
Then..... just the other day I encountered a very very very big spider in a parking garage on base. Now....I know what you are is like one of those fishing stories where people say that their fish was 18 inches long when it was really only 8 inches.....but I am serious.....this spider was as big as my hand. I don't know what it is about Japan....they have the smallest people but the biggest critters I have ever seen. Now, this spider wasn't especially mean or dangerous looking.....but it was big.....big enough that I didn't even try to kill it....I just calmly walked around it. Yuck!
So, we had a very adventurous weekend here in Japan.
Hope you all have a great week!

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