Monday, September 29, 2008

Finally FALL!

The weather has finally started to change. The last few days have been blustery and cool. The airconditioners have been turned off and windows have been opened. It is so wonderful! Our adventures have been few and far between since school started but will hopefully pick up now that the weather is cooler. We do have a big trip to Tokyo planned for Halloween weekend....more on that later.

Fall activities are keeping us busy....Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts have started. Christian and Carson will be playing football, and all three of them start Awana (a church club) tomorrow. Sadly though, all of these fun activities require us to make several trips to the base a day. It is a lot of driving (about 40 minutes each way) but it is good for the kids to be involved in some "American" activites. We are getting used to driving on the wrong (left) side of the road and don't really have to think too much about it anymore...but don't get me wrong....we have made a few mistakes....good thing nobody was looking!

Well, here is a picture of Carson in his fall uniform. Yep, they don't wear jeans here......they call these "short pants" is what they wear through the winter. Don't worry though....he won't get too cold because he will wear his knee high socks once it gets really cold. Won't that be attractive? He doesn't seem to mind the uniform....after all, all of his friends wear it too. We kind of think it is cute!

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